When moving your organization to cloud services, security concerns add another layer of consideration; one of trust. Learn how Office 365 provides productivity services that help users get more done from anywhere, while maintaining security in the face of ever-evolving threats.
When moving your organization to cloud services, security concerns add another layer of consideration; one of trust. Learn how Office 365 provides productivity services that help users get more done from anywhere, while maintaining security in the face of ever-evolving threats.
Learn more about Office 365 Security and Compliance including:
Dual-pronged security with managed service-level and customer-managed controls.
Defense in-Depth Strategy with multi-layer security.
Denial of Service (DDoS) detention and prevention service.
Comprehensive Security Development Lifecycle (SDL).
Anti-Malware, Patching and Configuration Management.
Advanced Threat Protection and robust Exchange Online Protection (EOP).
Customer controls for privacy, security and compliance.
Request your copy of the Office 365 Security and Compliance Whitepaper by completing the form now!